How do I recalculate Checkout errors?

Checkout and Recalculate

When you run Checkout to search for errors in the database, the errors that are found are listed on the Checkout report. Some of the errors will be followed by the command Recalculate. That command refers to the Recalculate routine and it means the error in question can be fixed by running Recalculate.

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Updated 05Feb2018

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What's new in 2018.05? (Selection Criteria, Check for None Records) (2m28s)

Updated 14May2018

Running Recalculate

Run Recalculate when the Checkout report lists errors that can be fixed by running Recalculate. Recalculate will repair some, but not all, of the database errors. If you cannot fix the database error by running Recalculate, then you need to manually repair the database error.

Do this...

1. Open Connect Business License > Businesses > Recalculate.

2. Set up the Selection Criteria.

3. Set up the checkbox titled Mark Transactions as Updated to General Ledger Through MM/DD/YYYY.

Look for transactions that have been updated to the General Ledger on or before the entered date and change the transaction flag to "updated".

4. Click GO (CTRL+G).

When you click GO, Connect will also search for businesses that are not assigned to an owner. A business that is not assigned to an owner should be linked to a "None" owner record. If the business is not assigned to an owner record and is not assigned to a None owner record, Connect will assign the business to a None owner record.

5. Run Businesses > Checkout again.

See the help topic titled How do I run Checkout?

Updated 05Feb2018




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