We now have a mobile app available for the Online Work Orders and Online Inspections pieces of Connect Online. The mobile app is an extension to the Connect Online web version and will show the exact same data but can now be accessed through the app rather than through a web browser.
The opening menu of the app will show you the number of pending, submitted and unassigned service orders. Upon entering the detail view, you will be able to filter the list of service orders by assigned user, departments and specific due dates. Once you find the specific service order you want to work on, select the Service Order Detail view to see location information, meter information, location history and customer information. The Online Inspection portion of the app works in a similar way and allows you to view all inspection related items in a similar view. It is our hope that this mobile app will allow your personnel to complete their work in the field through their phone or tablet instead of needing a connected laptop with internet capability.
The mobile app is available now in the 2019.11 version of Caselle Connect. You can find the app in the Apple App Store and Google Play store under the name Caselle. You will login to the app using the same user id and password that you use to access Connect Online. The subdomain should match the first part of your Connect Online URL. You can use the app right now during the FREE trial period until July 2020 to see if it’s beneficial for you and your personnel.
Following the trial period, there will be a monthly fee to continue to use the app. The monthly fee will be based on the number of Caselle users. One to three users will cost $20 a month. Four to eight Caselle users will be $30 a month. Nine users and up will be $50 a month. These introductory costs will be until June 2021.
If you would like more information, please contact your Client Relationship Manager (CRM).