How do I print manager reports for Payroll? (Connect Online)
Connect Online
View employee payroll information. Generate these payroll reports to view in Connect Online: Employee List, Leave Report, YTD Totals, and Overtime Analysis Report. Only department managers, team supervisors, override users in Timekeeping, and users with Department access can use Connect Online to print manager reports.
Before you get started
Add the Manager Reports widget to My Dashboard. See the help topic titled How do I add the Manager Reports widget?
Apply a filter to sort data in a report. Use the Settings pane to apply or remove filters.
Filters in the Settings pane
Filter data by date range.
Show All
Clear all filters.
Filter data by department.
Filter data by team. If you are team supervisor, you will have access to the employees who are assigned to your team.
Position Type
Filter data by position type.
In/Out Status
Filter data by the employee's clock in/clock out status.
Include Terminated Employees
Add employees with a termination date to the report.
Published on 06Sep2017
Show employee detail
To view more information about a transaction, click on the employee's name.
Manager Reports page
Printing an Employee List
Show an employee's in/out status, hire date, position, contact, and leave balance.
Do this...
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Find the Manager Reports widget and then click the link titled View Manager Reports.
Manager Reports widget on My Dashboard
The Manager Reports page displays.
3. Click Employee.
Employee Link on Manager Reports page
4. Select Employee List from the drop-down list.
Manager Reports page
5. Set up the report criteria.
When you change the report criteria, Connect Online will update the displayed report. To return to the default report settings, click the Reset button.
Report Criteria
The Employee List displays.
Printing a Leave Report
Show an employee's beginning, accrued, used, remaining, and expiring. The expiration date displays the adjust to carryover at date saved in the employee's record (Connect Payroll > Employees > Modify Existing Employees). If the employee does not have an adjust to carryover date, the expiration date is blank. The expiration date will move forward when the expiration date is not included in the current pay period.
Do this...
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Find the Manager Reports widget and then click the link titled View Manager Reports.
Manager Reports widget on My Dashboard
The Manager Reports page displays.
3. Click Leave.
Manager Reports page: Leave link to Leave Reports
4. Select Leave Report from the drop-down list.
The drop-down list will display the leave report definitions that you have set up and saved in Payroll.
Manager Reports page: Selecting a Leave Report
The Leave Report displays on the page.
Printing Leave Requests
Review leave requests for your employees.
Do this...
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Find the Manager Reports widget and then click the link titled View Manager Reports.
Manager Reports widget on My Dashboard
The Manager Reports page displays.
3. Click Leave.
Manager Reports page: Leave link to Leave Reports
4. Select Leave Requests from the drop-down list.
The drop-down list will display the leave report definitions that you have set up and saved in Payroll.
Manager Reports page: Selecting Leave Requests
The Leave Requests displays on the page.
Printing YTD Totals
Look up an employee's year-to-date leave totals. The YTD Totals page shows the employee's leave time, overtime, leave hours that will expire after the leave hours are adjusted to the carryover limit, and leave hours taken by the employee during the fiscal year.
Do this...
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Find the Manager Reports widget and then click the link titled View Manager Reports.
Manager Reports widget
The Manager Reports page displays.
3. Click Time.
Manager Reports page: Time Link
4. Select YTD Totals from the drop-down list.
Manager Reports page: Selecting the YTD Totals report
The YTD Totals Report displays on the page.
Printing Overtime Analysis Report
Print the Overtime Analysis Report to show the employee's overtime hours and overtime pay for the date range.
Do this...
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Find the Manager Reports widget and then click the link titled View Manager Reports.
Manager Reports widget
The Manager Reports page displays.
3. Click Time.
Manager Reports page: Selecting the Time link
4. Select Overtime Analysis from the drop-down list.
Manager Reports page: Selecting Overtime Analysis report
The Overtime Analysis Report displays on the page.
Printing Time Punches Report
Review an employee's clock in and clock out times.
Do this...
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Find the Manager Reports widget and then click the link titled View Manager Reports.
Manager Reports widget
The Manager Reports page displays.
3. Click Time.
Manager Reports page: Selecting the Time link
4. Select Overtime Analysis from the drop-down list.
Manager Reports page: Selecting Time Punches Report
The Time Punches Report displays on the page.
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