How do I add the Manager Reports widget? (Connect Online)
Connect Online
View payroll information for employees that are assigned to you. Managers can add the Manager Reports widget to My Dashboard to view payroll information for the employees who are assigned to your department or team. The Manager Reports widget shows the number of employees assigned to you; positions the employees fill; and the year-to-date totals for earnings, benefits, and leave.
Manager Reports widget on My Dashboard
Adding the Manager Reports widget to My Dashboard
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Click Settings .
Settings button
The Settings fly-out menu displays on the screen.
Settings fly-out menu
3. Click to select Manager Reports.
What if the link to Manager Reports is not listed? If you have application administrative rights, check your profile to make sure you're set up as a manager or supervisor. If you don't have application administrative rights, contact the application administrator for assistance. See also the help topic titled Why can't I add the Manager Reports widget? (Connect Online)
The Manager Reports widget is added to My Dashboard.
Why can't I add the Manager Reports widget? (Connect Online)
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