How do I set up email templates?
Connect can send an email notification to an account owner to let them know something. For example, when a tax return is created, Connect will send an email notification to the person or organization who files the tax return to let them know a new tax return has been created and it is ready to file.
What's new?
Create an email template for different renewal types. New variables: account balance, license balance, license amount to be billed, and business amount to be billed. (2023.05)
Before you get started
You'll need the information that you want to include in the email.
You may also want to know the variables you can use to format the email content. See the help topic titled How do I add variables?
Setting up an email template
1. Open Connect Business License > Organization > Organization.
2. Click to select the Email Templates tab.
3. Click Add a New Email Template.
Note: You can add one email template for each email type. If the email template has already been created, the Add a New Email Template button will be disabled.
Add a New Email Template button
The New Email Template form displays.
New Email Template
4. Use the Type menu to select an email type.
Note: You can set up one email template for each email type. When an email type is set up, it will not be included in the Type menu.
5. Click OK.
The email template is added. Now, you can add the text that will appear in the subject line and body.
Related topics
How do I send a license renewal email to license owner?
How do I change the recipient's email address?
How do I send email using an email template?
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