How do I send email using an email template?
When you run the routine to create a new return, you'll have the option to send email. Selecting the checkbox titled Send Email will use the email template to generate the email that Connect will send to the account owner.
Set up an email template for the transaction type. See the help topic titled How do I set up email templates?
Set up the business record in Setup/Modify Businesses to select the checkbox titled Send Email. See the help topic titled How do I set up email notifications?
For example, if you wanted to send an email to the account owner when a new return is created, you would open the routine to Create New Returns and select the checkbox titled Send Email.
With the Send Email checkbox selected, running the routine will create a new return and send an email notification to the account owner. Connect will use the email addresses listed in the business's record. Connect will only send an email to a business if the Send Email checkbox in the business's record is selected.
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