How do I set up demand on a rate?


Demand is the maximum electricity load of an individual consumer indicated in kilowatts and averaged over a period of time. For example, if the Allowed is 5 and the Demand Read is 7, then the customer is charged for 2 units.

Demand Read [7] - Demand Minimum [5] = Billed Amount [2]



Setting up demand on a rate

1. Open Connect Utility Management > Organization > Rates.  

2. Find the section titled Demand on the Rate tab. 

3. Use the Amount box to enter the demand rate per demand unit for each unit over the minimum amount. 

4. Use the Allowed box to enter the number of units a customer may use before a charge is applied. 

5. Use the Quantity box to enter the demand quantity. 

6. Use the Factor box to enter the rate per demand unit over the minimum allowed. 



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