How do I allow new billings on a rate?


An active rate allows Connect to use the rate to create new billing transactions while an inactive rate stops Connect from using the rate to create new billing transactions. Once a rate has been used to create billing transactions, the rate cannot be deleted from the Rates table. You can use the allow new billings option to change the status of an active rate to an inactive rate so you can keep the inactive rate in the Rates table without worrying about having a user or routine use it to create new billing transactions.


Allowing new billings on a rate

1. Open Connect Utility Management > Organization > Rates. 

2. Click to select the Allow New Billings checkbox. 

This checkbox should be selected on active rates that are being used to create new billing transactions. 

Rates, Allow new billings checkbox


Not allowing new billings on a rate

You'll receive a warning message when the checkmark is removed from the Allow New Billings checkbox and this rate is set as the default rate for a service. [More]


202205, 2022Jun29



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