How do I add the Department Timesheet Entry Widget to My Dashboard? (Connect Online) (Managers)

Connect Online Timesheets

The Department Timesheet Entry widget shows the number of employee positions, submitted timesheets, and current period date range for a specific department. The widget will show you how many employee timesheets need to be submitted and approved before you can run payroll.

You can use the link on the Department Timesheet Entry widget to view the employee timesheet status for your department. Unlike the Timesheet Status widget, this widget will show you the employee timesheets that belong to employees in a specific department.

If you manage more than one department, you can set up a Department Timesheet Entry widget for each department.

Department Timesheet Entry widget on My Dashboard

Adding the Department Timesheet Entry widget to My Dashboard

1. Open My Dashboard.

2. Click Settings .

Settings button

The Settings fly-out menu displays on the screen.

Settings fly-out menu


3. Click to select Department Timesheet Entry.

The Department Timesheet Entry widget displays on My Dashboard.

Updated 07Mar2018



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