How do I submit my timesheet? (Connect Online)
Connect Online Timesheets
Usually, submitting your timesheet is the last task you'll perform each pay period. Your organization may require you to balance the Timesheet Totals with the Hours Total so the same number appears as the Timesheet Total and Hours Total for each day in the pay period. The good news is you can make changes to all of the time entries and clock in/out times that occur in the current pay period.
Before you get started
Make sure each day that has a clock in time also has a clock out time.
For each work day, make sure the Timesheet Total matches the Hours Total. Totals highlighted with a red outline means the totals don't match.
Remember, to check for matching totals for all of the days in the pay period.
Submitting my timesheet
1. Open My Dashboard.
2. Click the link titled View My Timesheet.
View My Timesheet link on the Time Clock Widget
To add the Time Clock widget to My Dashboard, see the help topic titled How do I add the Time Clock widget to My Dashboard?
3. Review your time entries.
4. Click Submit.
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What do I do if I can't click Submit?
If the Submit button isn't available, it usually means you need to match up the timesheet totals and hours totals for each day in the pay period. If the pay period spans more than one week, you will need to make sure the all of the dates in the pay period have matching timesheet totals and hours totals.
What if my timesheet total does not match the hours total?
When you clock in and out, Connect Online enters the difference between the clock in time and clock out time as the value in the field labeled Hours Total. The time entries record the time you spent on a specific task while you are clocked in. Connect Online adds up all of the time you have recorded in time entries and displays the total as the Timesheet Total. The totals appear in black font when the timesheet total and hours total match. Totals that show up in red font mean the timesheet total is not equal to the hours total.
If the Timesheet Total is missing time, click New to enter a time entry. Make sure you enter the right date, otherwise Connect Online will use the current date to record the time entry.
If the Hours Total is missing time, click the link labeled Hours to view your clock in and clock out times. You can click on a time to edit it or you can click [---] to enter a clock in or clock out time.
Resubmitting my timesheet
Once you submit a timesheet the timesheet is locked and you can't make any changes to the timesheet. The only exception is when your manager returns a timesheet that you submitted for corrections.
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