Update Leave Levels


To update leave levels for employees, follow these general steps:

  1. Review Leave Policies: Before making any updates, review your organization's leave policies to understand the rules and regulations regarding leave accrual, carryover, and usage.

  2. Determine the Update: Decide whether you are updating leave levels for all employees, specific groups, or individual employees. Consider factors such as length of service, changes in employment status, or policy changes.

  3. Verify Leave Level Accruals: If applicable, verify the new leave accruals based on the leave policy. Ensure that the calculations are accurate and comply with any legal requirements.

  4. Update Employee Records: Use the Update Leave Levels routine to update the leave levels for each employee based on the new accrual rates. The routine will update the new leave balances and accrual rates.

  5. Communicate Changes: Notify employees of the updates to their leave levels, including any changes to accrual rates, carryover limits, or other relevant policies. Provide employees with information on how to access and view their updated leave balances.

  6. Monitor and Adjust: Monitor leave accruals and balances regularly to ensure that they are being calculated correctly. Make any necessary adjustments to leave levels based on changes in employment status or other factors.

  7. Document Changes: Keep detailed records of the updates to leave levels, including the reasons for the changes and any communications with employees regarding the updates.


Updating leave levels requires careful planning and attention to detail to ensure that employees are accurately credited for their leave accruals. By following these steps, you can effectively update leave levels for employees and ensure compliance with your organization's leave policies.



In this section: 

How do I print the Update Leave Levels Report?

How do I recalculate workers compensation?

How do I update leave levels for all employees?













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