How do I create an active budget for Connect Online?
Connect Online - Submitting budget requests
Set up a budget that users can use to submit budget requests using Connect Online. You can assign budget requests to an approval process to route budget requests to an approver.
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Before you get started
Add the Budget Summary widget to My Dashboard in Connect Online.
Setting up an active budget for Connect Online
1. Open Connect General Ledger > Organization > Organization.
2. Click to select the Connect Online tab.
Connect Online tab
3. Click Add a New Budget
Add a New Budget button
4. Set up the budget options.
Budget Setup tab
Budget name
Enter a budget name. The budget name will be displayed in menus and selection boxes.
Budget period
Select a budget period to enter transactions.
Budget level
The default budget level is the beginning budget. As the budget moves through the budget submission process, the budget level that is assigned to the budget will change.
Journal code
Select a budget journal to assign to the budget.
Budget activation date
Enter the date when the budget will be available to the submitter.
Approval process
Assign an approval process to the budget. To set up a budget approval process, see the help topic titled How do I set up a budget approval process?
Due date
Enter the date when the budget is due.
Send a notification x days before due date
If you enter a due date, you can set up a notification to alert users of the budget submission due date. The notification will display in the Notifications widget in Connect Online.
This field displays the department that is tied to the approval process.
5. Select the Columns to Display.
Use this section to select the columns that will display on the Submit Budget page in Connect Online.
Columns to display
Checkbox (Column 1)
Selecting a checkbox to include a column in Connect Online. Removing a checkmark will exclude the column from Connect Online.
Connect Column Name (Column 2)
This is the column name that is used in the Connect General Ledger application.
Connect Online Column Name (Column 3)
This is the column name that displays in Connect Online.
6. Repeat these steps to add another budget to Connect Online.
7. When you're done adding budgets, click Save (CTRL+S).
The budgets are set up and ready to view in Connect Online. To learn more, see How do I view the budget summary?
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