Budget Submission and Review Tasks (Connect Online)
Connect Online
Use Connect Online to submit and approve a proposed budget.
Watch a video
Watch an overview that shows you how to set up General Ledger to submit budgets online (users, departments, approval steps, approval process, budget, and budget notifications) and what an active budget request looks like in Connect Online. Watch a video (13m01s)
How do I set up a user to submit a budget?
GL Clerk
First, the GL clerk sets up GL accounts with current and actual amounts to send to the department manager.
How do I set up a budget for online submission?
How do I set up an approval process for budget review?
Department Manager
Second, the department manager updates current amounts with proposed amounts for the next year and then submits it for review.
How do I submit a budget? (Connect Online)
Where are my active budget requests? (Connect Online)
How do I show/hide terminated accounts?
Last, the reviewer looks at the proposed budget and accepts, denies, or overrides proposed amounts.
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