How do I filter inspections? (Connect Online)

Connect Online Community Development

Set up filters to view inspections. You can view inspections by priority, location, inspection, item,, inspector, or appointment. Save the filters that you set up for later use.

Filtering inspections

1. Open My Dashboard.

2. Use the Applications menu to select Inspection List.

Applications menu


The Inspections page displays.


3.  Hover over the column header that you want to use to filter data.

This example will show you how to set up a filter to sort inspections by location, but the same steps apply to filter by priority, location, inspection, item, etc.

Menu mini-button

4. Stop when a menu button displays on the column header, and then click on it.

Menu mini-button

5. Set up the filter.

Filter operators

First, select the filter type.

Contains: Search for a value in the field.

Equals: Search for values in the column with exactly the same value in this field.

Starts With: Search for values in the column that start with the value in this field.

Ends With: Search for values in the column that end with the value in this field.


Second, enter the search value.

Filter search value

The column applies the filter and displays the values that match the selection criteria.

Updated 27Feb2018

Sorting inspections A-Z or Z-A

1. Open My Dashboard.

2. Use the Applications menu to select Inspection List.

Applications menu



The Inspections page displays.


3.  Click on a column heading to sort data in the reverse order.

Click the column heading to sort the column contents.

When an up arrow displays, the column sorts data alphabetically A-Z in ascending order (1-10).

The arrow shows the sorting order.

4. Click column heading again to change the sort order from Z-A.

A down arrow means the column is sorting data alphabetically Z-A in descending order (10-1).


Click the column heading again to reverse the sorting order.






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