How do I delete purchase orders?
Purchase orders
When you're working in the enter invoices view, you can use the Delete Purchase Orders window to
delete a single purchase order (100)
delete purchase order details (100.1) (100.1-100.5)
delete purchase orders entered on a MM/DD/YYYY
delete purchase orders entered on a MM/DD/YYYY by purchase order number
Using this routine to delete purchase orders is permanent. To restore the deleted purchase orders, use Enter Purchase Orders to re-enter the purchase order or use Load Databases to replace the database from a backup file.
Deleting a single purchase order
Delete purchase order number and all of the the sequences attached to it.
Do this...
1. Open Connect Accounts Payable > Purchase and Requisitions > Enter Purchase Orders.
2. Click Delete (CTRL+D).
3. Click to select Delete Single Purchase Order.
4. Use the Purchase Order Number box to enter a purchase order number.
Purchase order number box
5. Click OK.
Deleting purchase order details
The sequence number is the number that comes after the decimal in the purchase order number. Example: 100.01 where 01 is the sequence number. When a purchase order has more than one detail, the sequence number that's attached to the purchase order number will increment one number for each detail.
Do this...
1. Open Connect Accounts Payable > Purchase and Requisitions > Enter Purchase Orders.
2. Click Delete (CTRL+D).
3. Click to select Delete Purchase Order Details.
4. Enter the purchase order number range.
Delete purchase order details
Purchase Order Number box
Enter the purchase order number. Do not enter the sequence number.
Beginning Sequence Number box
Enter the first sequence in the range. Do not key the decimal between the purchase order number and sequence number. Correct: 1 Incorrect: .1
Ending Sequence Number box
Enter the last sequence in the range. Do not key the decimal between the purchase order number and sequence number. Correct: 1 Incorrect: .1
5. Click OK.
Deleting purchase orders entered on a MM/DD/YYYY
Delete all purchases orders that were entered on a specific date. The default setting will use the current date as the input date. This option allows you to delete purchase orders that were entered on a different date without exiting the current session or changing the input date in the enter purchase orders view.
Do this...
1. Open Connect Accounts Payable > Purchase and Requisitions > Enter Purchase Orders.
2. Click Delete (CTRL+D).
3. Click to select Delete All Purchase Orders Input On.
4. Use the Delete All Purchase Orders Input On box to enter a date (MM/DD/YYYY).
Delete all purchase orders input on box
5. Click OK.
Deleting purchase orders entered on a MM/DD/YYYY by purchase order number
Use this option when you only want to delete some purchase orders that were entered on an input date instead of deleting all of the purchase orders from the input date.
How is this option different from the other options? This option allows you to delete purchase orders that were entered on a different date without exiting the current session or changing the input date in the enter purchase orders view. It also allows you to delete a range of purchase order numbers and all of the related sequence numbers.
Do this...
1. Open Connect Accounts Payable > Purchase and Requisitions > Enter Purchase Orders.
2. Click Delete (CTRL+D).
3. Click to select Delete Purchase Orders Input On.
4. Use the Delete Purchase Orders Input On box to enter a date (MM/DD/YYYY).
Delete all purchase orders input on box
Beginning purchase order number
Enter the first purchase order number in the range.
What if I only want to delete a single purchase order number? To delete a single purchase order number from the input date, use the same purchase order number as the beginning and ending purchase order number.
Ending purchase order number
Enter the last purchase order number in the range.
5. Click OK.
202208, 2022Jun09
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