How do I set the default password requirements?

Modify Security Settings

You can set the password properties to require users to create a password that meets specific requirements. For example, you may want the password to be at least six characters and contain a single letter or number.

Setting up the default password requirements

1. Open System Management > Security > Modify Security Settings > Security Settings tab.

2. Set up the Password Requirements.

Minimum length

Enter the number of characters required in the password. Passwords may be longer but not shorter. For example, you can require users to create passwords that are at least six characters long.

Require at least a single letter

Select this checkbox to require a user to create a password with at least one character (A-Z). For example: 12345A

Require at least a single number

Select this checkbox to require a user to create a password with at least one number (0-9). For example: ABCDE4


3. Click Save (CTRL+S).

The default password settings are set up.



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