How do I set up Caselle Service?

Caselle Service

After the Caselle Services add-on is installed, go to the Organization table in System Management to set up the default settings.

Setting up Caselle Service properties

1. Open Connect System Management > Organization > Organization.

2. Click the Caselle Service tab.

3. Enter the Host.

The email host is the service the organization uses to send and receive email. This may be a dedicated server such as mail.[organization].com, or IMAP, POP3, or HTTP.

4. Enter the Port.

The port number identifies the type of data the port accepts. Contact the IT administrator for help.  

5. Enter the User Name.

This is the user name of the individual who will receive the reply to email. When a recipient replies to an email, the email will be directed to the email address for the user name. The routine will use the email address linked to the user name.

6. Enter the Password.

This is the password for the user name.

7. Enter the Sent From.

This is the email address that will appear in the From field on all of the email sent by the Caselle application. Example:

8. Enter the Display Name.

This is the name that will appear in the From field when the organization's email address is saved in the recipient's contact book. Example: Jane

9. Enter the Email Queue.

Caselle uses Microsoft Server Message Queue (MSMQ) to process email. Enter the full path to the MSMQ. Example: .\$private\email

10. Enter the Scheduling Queue.

This is the path to the MSMQ scheduling queue. Example: .\$private\scheduling

11. Enter the Process Time.

This is the time each day when the system will process email. The default time is 6:00 am.

12. Click Save (CTRL+S).

The Caselle Service is set up.



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