How do I format my password? (Connect Online)
Connect Online Managers
When it's time to change your password, Connect Online will prompt you to enter a new password after you log in.
You may receive an invalid password warning if the password you have created isn't formatted correctly. The application administrator decides what is and is not a correctly formatted password. For example, the application administrator may choose options that require a minimum length, at least one letter, and at least one number. If the new password doesn't fit the password requirements, the invalid password warning message pops up. Which means you'll need to modify the password. Here are a few tips helpful tips for formatting passwords.
Minimum length
You'll need to create a password that is as long as or longer than the shortest password allowed by the application.
Single letter
The password must include at least one letter, either (A-Z or a-z). The password is case sensitive.
Single number
If the password must include at least one number, you'll want to use (0-9).
Special characters
You can use special characters such as _, @, #, /, *, and blank spaces to make the password more secure.
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